Nordic Crane – safety first

Our most important resource is our employees and together we work hard to create a healthy and safe workplace. We put the safety of our employees first and aim for everyone to come home safe – every day.

Safety is our number one priority in everything we do. Whether you meet us on a construction site or in an office, we always work according to the principle – safety first!

All our assignments must be carried out with the highest degree of safety and quality. With this priority, we achieve a safer workplace, increased well-being, the best quality of our work and the best end result for you as a customer.

We have established our own digital safety handbook – SAFETY which contains all routines and rules for how we and you as a customer come home safely every single day, without injury to people, machines or other equipment. Through this easily accessible and clear digital safety manual, we can work systematically with a mindset of safety throughout the working day.  

SAFETY contains, among other things:

  • Security routines for all work tasks and services we offer
  • Routines for nonconformity reports and notification of accidents
  • Procedures and descriptions for conducting a safe job analysis before all lifts

Competence development and a strong focus on continuous improvement are guidelines in our quality work. We are ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certified and are a safe and secure partner for you as a customer.

Last ned våre HMS policyer

Anna-Maria Olsson Bogehed

Anna-Maria Olsson Bogehed

HR Manager

Heine Lien

Heine Lien

Safety Officer

Helge Tangen

Helge Tangen

HR Manager

Kirsti Finsal

Kirsti Finsal

QA Manager

Erik Everbrink

Erik Everbrink
